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Is your practice missing a tool that accurately and quantitatively measures head shape?

SoftSpot®: The first and only mobile app cleared by the FDA for Cranial Measurements


Reassure parents and make objective assessment with an FDA-cleared tool that can easily be done at home or in the office using a smartphone!

Late detection results in intensive & expensive treatments!

SoftSpot addresses the pressing concern of head shape abnormalities in infants, such as plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, and scaphocephaly. By measuring the head early, SoftSpot informs parents to take proactive steps in preventing and treating these common yet overlooked conditions. Through repositioning and conservative treatment, infants with flat head can grow with healthier head symmetry.


Early Conservative Therapy


No Special Tools Needed

Highly Effective (~ 77%) [1]

Usually works before 4 months

[1]Steinberg JP, Rawlani R, Humphries LS, Rawlani V, Vicari FA. Effectiveness of conservative therapy and helmet therapy for positional cranial deformation. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015;135(3):833-42.


Helmet Therapy

Costly: +$2,000


Usually prescribed after 4 Months


Must be worn 23 hours per day for a few months


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Reimbursement concerns?
We can help!

Use ICD-10-CM Q67.3 (Plagiocephaly) + 99213 E/M code* every time you review a concern!

*(add a modifier 25 if it happens during a well visit)


SoftSpot is a mobile app developed by PediaMetrix for monitoring infant head shape measurements. Parents and providers use the app to take pictures of their baby's head, which the app analyzes for measurements. The associated kit includes caps for improving image accuracy. SoftSpot provides cranial measurement as early as one month of age, which can be used for early detection in conjunction with other clinical methods.

Use in-office or have parents take photos from home

Catch cranial deformities early and monitor progress

Less cost for the patient and a better outcome

Create up to $360/patient extra revenue

Reassure parents about their baby's health

Experts Review

Experts Review

"I can't tell you how much my patients have appreciated me using SoftSpot. It has allowed me to focus more on attention to early intervention for head shape abnormalities, and I hope you have the same experience and engage your patients in the process."

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Dr. Susan Sirota, MD, FAAP

CEO of PediaTrust and a pediatric expert with over 30 years of experience 

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What does the report look like?



Educational Content and Assessment

SoftSpot's Team Selected Publications:

  1. Kocabalkanli, C., Liu, M., Aalamifar, F., Linguraru, M.G., Seifabadi, R., 2023, April. Cranial Shape and Head Circumference Measurements using Digital Photography. In Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, 2023

  2. Kocabalkanli, C., Rahmani S., Aalamifar, F., Linguraru, M.G., Seifabadi, R., 2023, April. Differentiating Synostotic vs Non-Synostotic Cranial Conditions from Photographs using Deep Learning: a Retrospective Study. In Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, 2023

  3. Kocabalkanli, C., Fenton, R., Gaetani, S., Aalamifar, F., Linguraru, M.G., Seifabadi, R., 2023, February. Comparing Smartphone and Caliper Measurements of Plagiocephaly and Brachycephaly in a Prospective Study. In American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sessions Meeting, 2023.

  4. Kocabalkanli, C., Aalamifar, F., Fenton, R., Gaetani, S., Linguraru, M.G., Seifabadi, R., 2022, March. Measuring deformational plagiocephaly and brachycephaly using a smartphone in a prospective study. In American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association 79th Annual Meeting, 2022.

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